Blast Guru!
Check out that paint job!!
A new meaning to “body in white”
We’re all just kids at heart!
Interactive Models!
Check out our latest project!
Future of shoe design?
Yep, it’s happening… check it out!
It’s all in the demonstration
OEM takes modeling to a new level
Think outside the cylinder
Read about this entirely new engine by Liquid Piston!
Harsh Environments
Harsh engine environments make a great application for RapidNylon®
Printed Human Specimens
Learn about this unique medical application
Nanolite Launch
Synergeering works with NASA to launch GF-Nylon parts
Wrap Your Brain Around This…
Medical models using real MRI’s
With a CT scan, duplicating the anatomy of an animal is easier than ever before.
ibuku pet
Testing out the market with kids toys!